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Special Short Program


A 4-week special program that takes place in Florence in the Fall and concludes with a practicum week of special events in NYC including the James Beard Foundation. The students of Apicius Korea can choose this as an option.

Tutto Toscana - All things Tuscan

STUDY AWAY PROGRAM The FUA TuttoToscana Study Away program is a flexible model for international study opportunities in Florence and NYC.
Students may select Florence Session II 3-week courses that feature a course project geared towards the preparation of FUA TuttoToscana events and activities in NYC scheduled during the Intersession Week III.
After the 3-week session, students may continue with a fourth study away week in NYC featuring events at the James Beard Foundation. Coursework in both Florence and NYC allows students to take on the challenge of bridging two cosmopolitan cities through hospitality.

“From Florence to the Jammes Beard Foundation in New York”

Students may choose from 3 different areas of event organization and production for 6-9 credits (Florence-NYC) or 3 credits (NYC-only). The 6 to 9-credit option follows a 4-week structure that begins with 3 weeks of academic and event preparation in Florence and concludes with the event cycle week in NYC. The 3-credit option follows a 1-week structure held directly in NYC. The event concept and details are managed and organized by students and faculty after a deep cultural and academic immersion in Florence, and executed as a team during the week of event staging on location.

Area 1: Event Planning & Communications, 3-6-9 credits
Area 2: Digital Media and Visual Arts (Fall) / Fashion (Spring), 3-6-9 credits
Area 3: Food Management and Production for Special Events, 3-6-9 credits

*3-credit options are held directly in NYC as a 1-week session.

Area 1 or 3 can be chosen for Apicius students. There are curriculum below.

Event Planning and Communications

Florence • Special Event Planning
• Restaurant Management
• Tuscany and Wine
• Basic to Visual Communications

New York: Paring Food and Wine, and Wine Service

Food Management and Cooking for Special Occasions

Florence • Italian Breads
• Baking Technique
• Tradition of Italian Foods
• Physiology of Taste and Flavor

New York • Table of Italian Chef

The Students of career programs and a group of experts can apply for TuttoToscana through Apicius Korea. If you want to join this program, please contact us. *Apicius can offer an individual & group-customized program.

* Apicius offer individual and group tailored training programs upon request.

James Beard Foundation

The capstone events of the Florence-NYC edition in the season culminate at the James Beard Foundation, America’s most renowned reference in the world of gastronomy and the professional restaurant industry.

JBF is a non-profit foundation founded in honor of a great culinary patron, James Beard, and carries on Mr. Beard’s desire to spread culinary awareness through education.

In addition to the foundation’s educational efforts and its program of hosting chefs and restaurants from around the world, its yearly food industry awards recognize America’s established and emerging gastronomic talents. The foundation is located in Mr. Beard’s former home in the heart of the charming West Village in NYC, and is where the TuttoToscana team presents its event concepts to the foundation members and the general public.

Florence University of the Arts to which a department of Apicius belongs is registered in the James Beard Foundation. Many events hosted by the foundation have been held in FUA.